From 2023 — 2024, John Jaeger mentored a Soil Invertebrates Research Project through DNA Barcoding 101. The Soil Invertebrates Research focused on analysis of the impact of Southern Pine Beetles on the Pine Barrens of LI.
Soil Invertebrates Research: Background & Goals
John Jaeger North Babylon Independent Researcher stood as a Mentor for Soil Invertebrates research during 2023 to 2024. This initiative was facilitated by DNA Barcoding 101, a STEM outreach program. For this project, John Jaeger and his team of independent environmental researchers set out to determine how to prevent destruction and defoliation of the LI Pine Barrens. This was accomplished through analysis of the effects of Southern Pine Beetles on the Soil Invertebrates.

Research Analysis & Experiments
As Mentor of the Soil Invertebrates research team, John Jaeger oversaw the analysis of the effects of Southern Pine Beetles on Soil Invertebrate Diversity. This included experiments of controlled burns vs no controlled burns. Through careful analysis of the Pinus Rigida (Pitch Pines), John Jaeger and team gained critical insight into the cause and effect of deforestation, defoliation and destruction of the LI Pine Barrens. In conclusion, Jaeger and his team of independent environmental researchers determined that the LI Pine Barrens can be preserved through implementation of methods for mitigating the damaging impact of Southern Pine Beetles. This includes controlled burning and other techniques.